We live in a world that discrimination ,corruption and killing is accepted and people are scared to voice out their opinions because they don't want to be killed instead they join the crowd to be part of these negative attitude that need to be eradicated in our society .
According to Josepher Tomer
" Joseph Tomer is an albino activist from Tanzania ,his fight for equality and acceptance of people with his condition has been captured in a new documentary called in the shadow of the sun ".
He talks about the killing of Albinos in Tanzania , as for me I see no reasons why you should kill flesh and bones that is just like you .
My question is it just their skin pigment color or based on the fact that you see yourself as black and they are from what part of the continent?
They are humans and should be treated with love and not killing , is against the law to kill .
As christains we are being taught in the bible from the book of 'Exodus' says that shall not murder .
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