
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December 21, 2016
The Abuja Metropolitan Music Society (AMEMUSO) headed by Her Excellency Mrs Maria Cecelia Toledo de Schmillen, wife of the former German Ambassador to Nigeria (2006-2011) and world class opera singer was established with the vision of "bequeathing a lasting legacy in the performing arts for Nigerians." Part of that bequeathal includes the building of the Abuja Performing Arts Center (APAC), a world class centre for the performing arts.
Aside her love for music, Mrs Schmillen has a strong passion for the under privileged and has encouraged the Federal Government to create opportunities for them to contribute their quota to development.
During the foundation's recent courtesy visit to her, she spoke of the underprivileged as the minority who should be fully integrated into society and granted the necessary support to help them thrive. She also emphasized that no country should undermine the huge potential of its minority; rather, they should endeavor to discover their talents and harness them. She cited how much she admired the huge talents of persons with albinism, stressing how wonderful they are, specially crafted by the Hands of God and how she believes that together, beautiful things can happen.
She proudly referred to herself as a friend to the overlooked minority groups and spoke on her work with the blind children, showcasing their talents and proving what they have to offer.
In his response, Mr Epelle thanked Mrs Schmillen for being an instrument for discovering the talents of the less privileged and assured that the foundation will not cease in partnering with her to develop them.


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