
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December 21, 2016
June 13 was chosen as International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD) since it was on that day in 2013 that the UN adopted its first ever resolution on albinism. On November 18, 2014, due to advocacy by Under The Same Sun and cooperation with various UN bodies, (specific thanks to Ambassador Yusuf Mohamed Ismail Bari-Bari of Somalia and members of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) a third historic resolution on albinism was adopted by vote by the UN General Assembly in New York. The resolution proclaims June 13 as International Albinism Awareness Day (effective 2015). We are grateful to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva which made a recommendation to the General Assembly (June 2014) that the Day be proclaimed.

The resolution instating international albinism awareness day, welcomes increased international attention, noting that, in many parts of the world, awareness of the human rights situation of persons with albinism remains limited.

Further, it recognizes the importance of increasing awareness and understanding of albinism in order to fight against global discrimination and stigma against persons with albinism. On May 5, 2015, the UN dedicated a website to persons with albinism. See it here:


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