Omoke is an
eleven years old boy who is in primary five, he said
“I want to
be a soldier
I love who I
am and my skin color, people treat my skin color nice and my family loves me
and they treat me well.
Teachers are
good to me, I am love by everyone in school and no discrimination, they treat
me as one “.
When I met
these handsome boy I was like wow I love his skin color I actually thought he
is a white boy that is just coming to Nigerian for the first time, until I got
close to him and I found out he is an Albino.
Albino with
a good skin and good looks I had to interview him and am grateful and bless
that in Nigerian Albinos are treated like one and not killed in other Country.

I also want
to advise that for protection of the skin color, parent should by sunscreen to
protect the skin from burning and looking healthy.
“Let us
treat those who are Albinos like one big family and love them for we are blacks
and is not all about the skin color is the fact we are human beings and we
should be treated one .
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