There are
mainly two types of albinism
Albinism OCA which affects the skin, eyes, hair and is seen equally in males
and females.
Albinism OA which mainly affects the eyes with minimal to no skin and hair
involvement and is mainly seen in males.
The frequency
of 1:1,400 in Africa Albinism is more common in Africa, Indonesia and USA.
Albinism is
inherited from parents who carry the trait every child have two copies of
albinism pigment ,the child can still make pigment ,two pigmented parents who
are both carriers of the trait can have a child with albinism .
Persons with
albinism are more vulnerable to developing skin cancers because the skin lacks
melanin, the most common skin cancer is basal cell cancer is followed by cell
cancer both cancer are cause by ultraviolent UV exposure over time.

is a less common cancer but the most deadly, the causes of melanoma are
uncertain but UV exposure is a significant risk factor.
The outcome
of treatment skin cancers among PWA in most developing countries has been poor
because majority of these patients present late to the hospital with advance stage.
‘This is partly due to paucity of local date
regarding this condition and lack of community awareness on the importance of
early reporting to hospital for early diagnosis and treatment.
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