What happens is the psychotic medicine men of the villages think the girls are cursed because of their white skin and so take a machete to their hands and feet and leave them to die. This missionary lady works in a refuge for the albinos and teaches reading and mathematics and simple life survival skills because God knows life is going to be hard.
The refuge turns them loose at eighteen but no one will hire cursed people to work in their shops or factories or fruit stands and so the girls turn to prostitution, where for some reason they are considered a rarity and thus are in high demand among the same men who chopped off their hands eighteen years before.
The same society that rejects the humanity of these albino Tanzanians welcomes them with open arms so long as they open their legs for cheap.
You can say what you want about out of touch missionary ladies but don’t tell me they lead boring lives, because that’s wild stuff.
I hear a river of justice rising . . .
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